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Functional Foods for BoostingImmunity

In this fast moving world, having a strong immune system is important. Functional
foods can be used to achieve this. These are not merely sources of basic nutrition;
they come with additional health benefits that help the immune system function
properly. Below we are going to discuss some of those best functional foods for
boosting your immunity.
The Concept of Functional Foods
What Are Functional Foods?
These are foods that have a positive effect on an individual’s health beyond their
basic nutrition needs. They have bioactive compounds which can enhance several
bodily functions such as the immune system. By including these foods in your diet,
you will be able to protect yourself against illnesses and improve general well-being.
Probiotics: Gut Health and Immunity
These live microorganisms bring about health advantages when consumed enough
amount. Examples of fermented foods that contain probiotics include yogurt, kefir,
sauerkraut and kimchi amongst others. Probiotic supports a healthy gut microbiome
which is closely associated with immune function in the body. A balanced gut flora
can prevent harmful pathogens from taking hold and boost the production of immune
Food That Is a Powerhouse of Antioxidant
By stimulating white blood cells production, vitamin C is an effective antioxidant which
improves immune system. Some foods that have high content of vitamin C include
strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, bell peppers and kiwi among others. Regular intake of
these foods helps in reducing the severity and duration of colds as well as other infections.

Ginger is a powerful functional food with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant traits. It
works as an anti-inflammatory agent in the body and promotes the immune system.
To spice up your tea, smoothies, and meals, you can add ginger.
Green tea has high levels of antioxidants particularly catechins that enhance immune
function. By regularly drinking green tea your body will be able to fight off diseases
and protect itself from chronic diseases. Moreover, it also contains L-Theanine which
supports the production of germ-fighting compounds in T-cells.
Turmeric is a yellow spice used mainly in curries. It has curcumin which is a strong
anti-oxidant or an anti-inflammatory compound. In order to modulate the immune
system by activating specific types of immune cells whilst repressing others through
inflammatory pathways, Curcumin may help here. Thus including turmeric in your
daily nutrition will help enhance your immunity besides maintaining overall health.
Berries: Nutrient-Dense Superfoods
Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries all have an impressive
amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in them. Being super foods, they help
in neutralization of free radicals that cause inflammation hence improving immunity.
Moreover, berries are packed with fibers that support gut health to even further
improve immunity.
Nuts and Seeds: Essential Fatty Acids
Including almonds, walnuts, chia seeds or flaxseeds among others can provide you
with essential fatty acids especially omega-3s. These healthy fats can reduce
inflammation and thus enhance body’s defense system. In order to achieve a diet for
a good immune health one needs to have a mix of different nuts and seeds.
Mushrooms: Immune-Modulating Effects
Some mushrooms like shiitake, maitake and reishi are believed to boost the immune
system functioning. Furthermore these mushrooms contain substances known as
beta-glucans which makes the immune response more effective against infectious

diseases. By consuming them as part of your nutrition on regular basis will see you
naturally boosting your immunity.
Citrus Fruits: vitamin C enhances
Oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes contain a lot of vitamin C as those who took citrus
fruits wait to be proved wrong. Vitamin C is essential for the proper functioning of the human
body specifically for the synthesis of collagen, which is needed for the formation of blood
platelets and the healing of wounds, in addition to being involved in the production of white
blood cells, which are the body’s defenders against infections. The flux of various citrus
products is significant as their inclusion in diet assists in building strong immunity.
Leafy Greens: Nutrient Powerhouses
Such super foods as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are perceived to possess
anti-inflammatory compounds and are good sources of vitamins A, C, and E, antioxidants,
and fiber. They help build the immune system, which is a critical function in the body’s
defense against diseases. Green leaves also help in strengthening our digestion system and
when you know that the immune system begins in the gut then you will agree with me.
Yogurt: Probiotic-Rich Food
We know that yogurt contains live cultures and active bacterial that is good for our stomachs
and will help to boost our immunity. Evidently, yogurt can enhance an individual’s immunity
to infections and contribute to the over well-being of the body when consumed routinely. To
get the most health benefits and strengthen the immune system of your body, you should opt
for yogurt with live active cultures.
Functional foods also prove the easiest way to increase immunity which should be
incorporated into the meals. Some of the best sources include foods with probiotics, vitamin
C, garlic, ginger, green tea, turmeric, berries nuts, seeds, mushrooms, fruits especially
oranges, green leafts, and yogurts. When included in your diet regularly, these foods will
help boost your immune system so that you may not be easily affected by diseases and help
your body to be at its best. Remember, a properly balanced diet, enough physical workouts,
and sleep are the necessities for a robust immune mechanism.

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